Sunday, June 14, 2009

Last stop: Katmandu
I satyed in katmandu with one of my best friends here in Nepal, Bishal Gurung...Well, Katmandu reminds me of male'...Anyway, had a great time here tooo....See ya after ma next exams or maybe even sooner ;)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Next stop: Chitwan
Chitwan is the home of one of my best buddies here Goofy a.k.a Sushan. It was a nice ride to Sauraha (to ride the elephants) in the horse cart, but coming back on one was a nightmare...ask me why ;)


Friday, June 12, 2009


Guys, it was a blast during my first summer vacation...Here's a recap of this vacation..Don't worry, u may not see me in the foto's but they speak for themselves..We'll visit the 3 places one at a time...

First stop: Nawalparasi
Its a beutiful village, where my good friend Krishna lives. My first thought about the place was..A pianted picture in real life!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.

Mornings are often better off with a mug of coffee in one hand and the daily paper in the other. The first page, sports section, a picture on the side with a guy in a Velvet coat holding a trophy and highlighted in bold on the top, “CRISTIANO RONALDO WINS FIFA PLAYER OF THE YEAR 2008”. It’s amusing how a smile spreads across our face as we continue reading, secretly admiring him and hiding the simple wish that “if I were him…” Its funny how we only admire people for what they are today while giving a blind eye to whom that person was, what he has gone through to become who he is.

Success is one of the ideal bases of life on which one depends to draw an image of him in the society. It is something we have to achieve, something we have to work for, something we have to chase if we want to define ourselves.

But then again, one wonders what this seven letter word literally means? The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work but as for me, success is a chain reaction. Don’t mug up your face and go all blank, but more or less, if you think about it, it really is a chain reaction!
Let me make it “fact-full” and simple. Success in education leads to success in higher studies. Success in higher studies leads to a success in the career of choice. Success in career leads to success in life and ultimate success achieved happiness. See what I mean?

As every thing has a price, success itself comes with a tag; time and devotion, bone cracking work and sweaty hours of non-stop action. Not much of a price to pay if you really want something from your heart because you are the only one who’ll reap the benefits of your work. Lastly, to climb that tall ladder of success you just need a bit of hope, love and inspiration from your parents and trusted friends. Giving up is not an option because life is a real failure when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.

In the end, when you finally achieve success, you’ll realize two very important things in life. One, Success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. Two, Success lies not in time, place or circumstances, but in you…yourself.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Loosing something...

There is a saying which goes like; you realize the value of something when you loose it. It's actually true. When we crave for something, we dream of it as to be the thing which will perfect our lives, but once we get it, we tend to miss-use it, or most of the times, just throw it away or forget about it. It’s actually wise to bear the thought in mind that we don't have a hand in fate, and the things we want don't always end up coming to us in the right package. Sometimes we are so lost in our own fantasies, dreaming about the thing we want the most, we don't realize we over shadow the fact that we actually have the thing we need right beside us, but not in the most perfect way. When we loose it, it’s just a bit too late and have a certain wish to turn back time. Then, in an indirect manner, we wish that we were perfect...Makes me laugh sometimes 'cause we think that we are matured enough when we become teenagers, but I can't help thinking how naive we are sometimes...Am I wrong? Anyway just wondering whether you have faced this situation? I know I have...


Monday, June 8, 2009

In the end...

I guess this was the end of the story between "us"...23 January 2009...22:23pm..

Sorry was the last words she said
And with that she started to walk away
Her voice, the only word echoing in my head
Sorry...I guess that's when I lost my way

Little drops of rain splashed on my face
Hot tears chased down my cheeks
Of life, just another incomplete phase
Where a broken heart, for itself speaks

"A thousand and nintey nine days I loved you
Broken into a million pieces I am
I thought you loved me the same way too
Still each of those pieces loves you just the same..."

With the faint beats that kept on pulsing
The icy winds made me shiver
The flickering flame of hope freezing
I guess she'll be mine, never

Felt good somehow standing in the rain
'Cause no one could see me crying
No one would see those scars of pain
And she won't know that this love is dieing

The last 365 days of my teenage someone said
True that I may be moving a bit too slow
I guess this was once a chance I had
Three years back, long long ago

Two choices I had
Two paths, one to my left and one to my right
A smile, enough tears I've shed
My promise, witnessed by the silent night

I decieded to go neither way
I chose to walk the path infront of me
The road sign on the board whispered with a sway
Shining at the end, true love, that's she...

The End...

Anyway, guys, lets see how much you've understood..."Two paths, one to my left and one to my right"...what were they? :p expecting answers from alot of people who know the story ;)