Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Loosing something...

There is a saying which goes like; you realize the value of something when you loose it. It's actually true. When we crave for something, we dream of it as to be the thing which will perfect our lives, but once we get it, we tend to miss-use it, or most of the times, just throw it away or forget about it. It’s actually wise to bear the thought in mind that we don't have a hand in fate, and the things we want don't always end up coming to us in the right package. Sometimes we are so lost in our own fantasies, dreaming about the thing we want the most, we don't realize we over shadow the fact that we actually have the thing we need right beside us, but not in the most perfect way. When we loose it, it’s just a bit too late and have a certain wish to turn back time. Then, in an indirect manner, we wish that we were perfect...Makes me laugh sometimes 'cause we think that we are matured enough when we become teenagers, but I can't help thinking how naive we are sometimes...Am I wrong? Anyway just wondering whether you have faced this situation? I know I have...



ady said...

i did nd i think u knw that too. look where i ended up :D i did somthing different. i made it simple for myself. for once i stoped chasing. a thing even betr than i was chasin cam right to my doorstep with a smile. i accpted it with open arms. :) as sharukh said in om shanti om. if u realy want somthing from ur heart, the whole universe comes together to mak dat wish com true for u.. LOL

rau said...

ehem ehemmm..:D:D

cyberkid said...

kakakka...now u see whose dramatic!!!!

rau said...

as u said..its the power of lov..u see wot love can do...reminds me of that song u told me about;)