Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chapter 5: Gawking Gala!

15th March 2000

It’s been a long time since then, but the story still continues. The letter was of no use I guess. I mean there was no response and as time passed, everything went back to normal. I sit in my bench and do my thing and she sits in her bench and does her thing.

However, after the first internal exams (which I passed with flying colors and she failed), I noticed something. I’m a guy who has good eyesight plus hearing (thank god for that), so I usually sit in the back benches.

The thought might have occurred to you that she also moved to the back benches. Well, you’re damn right! What was funny is that, me and her, although we sit at opposite benches, we always sit at the same seat! Sometimes both of us would sit at the edge of the benches and I notice her watching me…and I guess she pretty much noticed it when I just stared at her for at least half an hour during Biochemistry class! The mere gap of feet separated us, but somehow, I think our hearts were connected…


rau said...

ho hooo! love is in the air..:P

Unknown said...


manzee said...

ohhhhhh reallly is dat so...hmmmm

Ibbe said...

15 March 2000? or 2010????

cyberkid said...

hehhe...ibro this is midhiya aharu ge vaahaka :P