Monday, November 19, 2007

What is love?

To lead a healthy and prosperous life, humans need a lot of gear. One of the most vital components in tact is love, the most powerful emotion that exists. It is strange that people believe that love is connected with the heart when the brain is responsible for all the actions and emotions of the human body. It is also strange that whilst love defines a person, a person cannot define love. The evidences that support this fact are many. Infact, the simplest truth that chains this fact is that people fall in love and don’t realize it. They don’t even recognize it. You don’t believe me? Then try this, ask a person who has a boyfriend or girlfriend what love is? They can’t decide on an immediate answer and some even stare at you blankly…but there are a few people who blabbers nonsense just to show you that they know what love is…Unfortunately they don’t know that they’re making a fool out of themselves…What a shame…

Anyway, I just thought I’d share with you a few ways in which you can define love. These are some definitions I found out from books, internet, friends and my heart…Hope you like them and recognize love next time when it comes and dances infront of you…Good luck…

  • Loves comes in gently, unannounced and changes two lives forever.
  • Love is that tender sweet emotion that is felt in a hug, a kiss or just a caress.
  • Love is being together in every walk of life no matter what.
  • Love adds colour to life, gives it a new meaning and makes it truly worthwhile.
  • Love is a celebration of what two hearts share; it is a wonderful feeling that shows they care.
  • Love is giving, love is kind, it never asks for, it only believes in sacrifice.
  • Love is a priceless wonderful gift from the vast store house of life.
  • Love is a secret language that only two loving hearts can understand.
  • Love is the light that shines upon two hearts, making their world bright.
  • Love is a sweet melody that echoes in loving hearts.
  • Love spreads it beauty everywhere, like flowers spread their fragrance in the air.
  • Love is sweet smiles, tinkling laughter and a thousand moments together.
  • Love is the answer to every question that arises in a loving and tender heart.
  • Love is the strength, the inspiration that follows and guides two hearts.
  • Love is devotion. It is the trust and the deepest emotion.
  • Love is being what you are and accepting what the other is.
  • Love is the comfort in knowing that there is someone by your side always.
  • Love is often expressed by sweet little gestures of affection.
  • Love is the shimmering sensation, that goes beyond every feeling every emotion.
  • Love is a promise that two hearts make, to stay together forever.
  • Love is that beautiful, intense feeling that leaves two hearts light and free.
  • Love gives joy beyond compare and touches the hearts with warmth so wonderful and rare.
  • Love is caring; love is sharing every little happiness, every bit of life.
  • Love is faith in each other, a firm belief and an honest confession.
  • Love is silence, an unspoken expression that needs no explanation.
  • Love is joy…love is laughter…love is a treasure trove of unending happiness.

Word of advice, its better to live with someone who loves you rather than with someone you love. Love the heart that hurts you, but don’t hurt the heart that loves you. You may be just ‘a someone’ in this world, but for someone, you are the world. Hope this is of some use to you.

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