Sunday, January 20, 2008

Can You BELIEVE This??!!

Today was just another day at school. The timetable changed last week and so, today we had to go to school at 8 in the morning. The first class was double physics, which meant only one thing. No, not sleep 'cause its boring, but practical experiments. It was running very smoothly until I had to draw a graph. Well, unfortunately I forgot to take my graph pad to class. This meant that no body else has taken it either as I was the sole distributer of graph papers to the class.

Our teacher, Mr. Yoosuf, who seemed to be pretty tense at that moment asked me to borrow it from someone. When he found out that no one had brought it he went mental. Not 'mental mental', but he was furious, though he didn't show it much. He asked me to go and get it from a friend from another class and not to leave the premises. Accompanied by my very close friend "Zedey", I went to all the math classes in search of a graph paper. And can you believe this?!! Nobody had brought it, not even the math students...Damn!! It seemed like that all the graph papers and pads vanished for physics class. So I went back to the lab and had to write another paper...

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