Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ok, ummm there's this guy who just turned 18 a few days ago. He was very normal until recently he caught on a disease. Wonder what that might be? Nothing un-usual, but its rare to find a cure in his case. But it ain't un-curable either. Still no idea what his condition is? LoVe MaNIa !!!

Now can you believe that? He just FELL in love!!! I mean he was this guy who understood people and thought that he wouldn't fall in love until he finished his studies. This guy already had a crush on somebody..There story is kinda long, so I'll postpone it to some time else if thats ok with you guys. Just a summary, he just saw her one night and felt warmth, heard violins and BOOOM, then and there it struck.
He started smiling, he started laughing...He became more lazy, wanted to dream all the time, lived in a world of fantasy...Damn, the side effects of love mania. Guess what? The guy is still resisting the urge to ask that girl he loves so much. I mean I can't deny the fact that he got no response to his first proposal. Maybe now he's shy, I mean he's a sensible guy in a stupid way...(might be thinking of saving the friendship and thinking to suffer watching his dream girl being happy with someone else) The latest side effect, learning how to flirt INNOCENTLY, get me? It keeps on growing and growing ;) ...haha... Dude give me a break!! Girls can be so powerful sometimes and selfish all the same. Want to hear more about his story? Just give me a shout anytime ;)


Appy said...

hmmm we cud only help this boy if you tell us more abt his love story dhoo and if this boy is still studyin i think he shud try and let go of this lovemania sickness...aaaaaaannnndddd now m curios to knw hu this boy is ;)

cyberkid said...

i'll have to ask this boy whether he wants to come in to public with his love life. :p