Friday, February 29, 2008

TAG!!! You're it!!!!
I was tagged by The Wild Hunter...

A - Available?: I'm not so cheap :p
B - Best friend: Adam Adeel
C - Cake or Pie?: Nothing better than a Choco Cake
D - Drink of choice: Chocolate milk shake
E - Essential thing used everyday: Clothes :p lol
F - Favorite color: Yellow and blue
G - Gummi bears or worms: Gummi bears
H - Hometown: Maldives
I - Indulgence: Banana split!
J - January or February: January
K - Kids and names: Haven't given it a thought yet
L - Life: Is a vast ocean of choices...
M - Marriage date: Not sure yet...
N - Number of siblings: 1 younger sis and 1 younger bro
O - Oranges or apples: Green apples
P - Phobias: Can't think of one...
Q - Quote: "Trust is like a vase, once broken it can be mended, but it will never be the same"
R - Reason to smile: Life is too short for hatred...
S - Season: Autumn...
T - Tag three people: Appy's tale, sHweeeeet Butterfly and Shattered Dreams
U - Unknown fact about me: If I tell you, it'll give me away ;)
V - Vegetable you do not like: Tomatoes
W - Worst habit: Getting angry too quickly, trusting people too easily...
X - x-rays you have had: My chest...
Y - Your favorite food: Roshi and Thelli Rihaakuru
Z - Zodiac: Capricorn

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